AFCoW Webinar. 17 November 8AM EST (9PM China Standard Time).

The second webinar in our series will be on November 17th when Dr. Yali Si from the University of Leiden, Netherlands will be presenting “Global change on bird distribution, migration and diversity” and Dr Shenglai Yin from Nanjin Normal University, China will be...

26 October 2021 Webinar Uploaded!

Our first webinar that occurred on October 26th has been uploaded if you were unable to attend! Stay tuned for more information on our next meeting – November...

AFCoW launches new website

The Asian Flyways Collaborative for Waterbirds (AFCoW) is a group of researchers seeking to exchange ideas and find opportunities for collaboration to improve the understanding of waterbird ecology in the Asian Flyways. AFCoW is directed at members interested in...