Our AFCoW webinar has been uploaded from 15-16 November 2022 where Gayomini Panagoda from Department of Zoology & Environment Sciences, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka presented on “Insights and opportunities from a poorly studied, land-locked flyway.” She recorded the first bird that migrate all the way from Sir Lanka to the Arctic, 20,500km round trip. What a breathtaking journey!

Our next webinar will be held on 13-14 December 2022. Where Dr. S. Balachandran from the Bombay Natural History Society will present on “The global significance of shorebirds ringing at Point Calimere- with special emphasis on the changes in the migratory movement pattern.”

See times below:

Beijing and Ulaanbaatar: Wednesday 14 December, 10:00
USA: Tuesday 13 December, 21:00 EST; 20:00 CST; 18:00 PST
Tokyo and Seoul: Wednesday 14 December, 11:00
New Delhi and Colombo: Wednesday 14 December, 07:30
Sydney: Wednesday 14 December, 13:00
Wellington: Wednesday 14 December, 15:00
Abu Dhabi: Wednesday 14 December, 06:00
Amsterdam: Wednesday 14 December, 03:00
London: Wednesday 14 December, 02:00

If you don’t have access to YouTube we have also uploaded our webinar to Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1GP4y1S7VW/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=c53d6edc8ddb6324ee27fd5fa135ece7