Our AFCoW Webinar has been uploaded from 19 April 2022 where David Melville and Adrian Riegen from the Global Flyway Network presented on “Shorebirds of the West Coast of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – status and challenges for conservation” and Bruce McKinlay from the New Zealand Department of Conservation presented on “New Zealand Waders: current research and conservation.”

Our next meeting will be held on May 18 at 6AM San Francisco, 8AM New Orleans, 9AM Washington DC, 2PM Europe, 9PM Beijing, 11PM Sydney — this will be our last webinar of the season but we’ll be back in the fall!! Hope to see you all there!

If you don’t have access to YouTube we have also uploaded our webinar to Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gY4y1a7c7?share_source=copy_web