Our AFCoW Webinar has been uploaded from 16 March 2022 where Taej Mundkur from Wetlands International presented on “The Wetlands International Waterbird Portal, EAAF and CAF,” Hansoo Lee from Korea Institute of Environmental Ecology presented on “Migratory bird tracking in East Asia for monitoring the transmission of avian influenza. Mostly EAAF?,” and Batbayar Galtbalt from Deakin University presented on “Why do some birds migrate in a loop? The case of the Demoiselle crane.”
Our next meeting will be on 19-20 April 2022 at 6PM (19Apr) San Francisco, 9PM (19Apr) Washington DC, 3AM Europe, 9AM Beijing, 11AM Sydney, 1PM Auckland – We hope to see you there!
If you don’t have access to YouTube we have also uploaded our webinar to Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oS4y1m7Ag?share_source=copy_web