Our AFCoW webinar has been uploaded from 16 February 2022 where Aarif K. Muhammed from King Fahd University presented on “Southwest India waterbirds”, Sabir Bin Muzaffar from UAE University presented on “Quantitative analysis of environmental factors associated with SE India waterbirds” and Jimmy Choi from Southern University of Science and Technology presented on “Shorebirds in the EAAF”.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 16 March 2022 at 5AM San Francisco, 8AM Washington DC, 1PM Europe, 8PM Beijing, 9PM Seoul, Ulaanbaatar — Hope to see you there!

If you don’t have access to YouTube we have also uploaded our webinar to Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13Z4y1k7it?share_source=copy_web