
AFCoW schedule in 2022-2023 session

Hi, AFCoW subscribers and bird migration lovers!

Here is our AFCoW schedules in the 2022-2023 session. Join us!

  1. 26-October 2022, Dr. Yong Zhang: Population dynamics and diversity of wintering waterbirds in the Shengjin Lake National Nature Reserve
  2. 16-November 2022, Goyomini Panagoda (MSc): Insights and opportunities from a poorly studied, land-locked flyway
  3. 14-December 2022, Dr. S. Balachandran: The global significance of shorebirds ringing at Point Calimere with special emphasis on the changes in the migratory movement pattern
  4. 18-January 2023, Dr. Fei Xu: Migratory herbivorous waterfowl couple the seed wave and green wave during spring migration
  5. 15-February 2023, Dr. Nyamba Batbayar: Migeratory waterfowl tracking in the Central Asian Flyway (tentative)
  6. Special session on 28-February 2023, Dr. Kyle Horton and Dr. Mike Schummer: Bird migration realtime forecast
  7. 15-March 2023, Paul Antony: Migratory pattern of coastal birds through Kanyakumari, India with special emphasis on terns; and Francis Commercon: A social perspective on global-scale shorebird conservation planning.
  8. 19-April 2023, Dr. Suresh Kumar: Tracking the long-distance migration of Amur Falcon (Falco amurensis) (tentative)
  9. 17-May 2023, Dr. Dan Liang: Evaluating staging habitat quality to advance the conservation of a declining migratory shorebird, Red Knot Calidris canutus (tentative); and Dr. Tong Mu: The impact of hunting on the coastline of China for shorebirds (tentative)

About AFCoW

The Asian Flyways Collaborative for Waterbirds (AFCoW) was established in 2021 as a communications network for researchers to exchange ideas and find collaborations on waterbirds in the Central Asian and East Asian-Australasian Flyways. It was initiated in light of several new studies on waterbirds in the Asian Flyways conducted in the past decade, and growing concerns for conservation of waterbird species in this rapidly changing region. Our ultimate goal is to foster discussion of recent findings, improve understanding of these flyways and the waterbird species that use them, and seek opportunities for collaborations.

AFCoW was initiated by an organizing committee including: Dr. John Y. Takekawa (Suisun Resource Conservation District, Suisun City, California, USA), Dr. Diann Prosser (USGS Eastern Science Center, Laurel, MD, USA), Mr. Jeffrey Sullivan (USGS Eastern Science Center, Laurel, Maryland, USA), Dr. Yachang Cheng (Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China), Dr. Yali Si (Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands), Dr. Xiangming Xiao (University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA), Dr. Fei Xu (Chongqing University, Chongqing, China), Dr. Shenglai Yin (Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China), Dr. S. Balachandran (Bombay Natural History Society, Calimere, India), and Dr. Nyambayar Batbayar (Wildlife Science Center, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia).

It was supported by a joint USA-China National Science Foundation grant entitled: “US-China Collab: Harnessing big data to understand and predict diversity and transmission of human- and animal-infected avian influenza viruses in China.” The USA group has the NSF grant number (NSF #1911955) and the China group has the NSFC grant number (NSFC #81961128002). The project is led by Dr. Xiangming Xiao at the University of Oklahoma.

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