AFCoW Webinar. 17 November 8AM EST (9PM China Standard Time).

The second webinar in our series will be on November 17th when Dr. Yali Si from the University of Leiden, Netherlands will be presenting “Global change on bird distribution, migration and diversity” and Dr Shenglai Yin from Nanjin Normal University, China will be presenting “Species-dependent effect of habitat loss on migratory waterfowl and avian influenza virus […]

AFCoW Webinar. 15 December. 7:30 AM EST (8:30 PM China Standard Time).

Our next AFCoW Webinar will be on December 15th (6:00PM Chennai; 8:30PM China Standard Time; 7:30AM Eastern Standard Time; 1:30PM Central European Time), where Dr. S. "Bala" Balachandran from the Bombay Natural History Society will be presenting on "Shorebirds of the Indian Subcontinent" and Jeff Sullivan from the U. S. Geological Survey, Eastern Ecological Science […]

Australasian Ornithological Conference. 8-10 February 2022.

11th Australasian Ornithological Conference Auckland, New Zealand

A great opportunity to attend the Australasian Ornithological Conference this February in person or virtually! We are pleased to announce that the 11th Australasian Ornithological Conference (AOC) will be held in Auckland, New Zealand from 8 – 10 February 2022. To ensure certainty in these dynamic COVID times, AOC is pleased to announce that the […]


Mongolia Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

We kindly invite you to participate in 20th meeting of the Goose Specialist Group of IUCN’s Species Survival Commission, which will be held on 16-18 August 2023 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The Organizing Committee hopes that goose specialists from all around the world will be participating in this important meeting. Also, our invited keynote speakers will […]

European Conference on Ecological Modelling: ecological modeling for transformation

European Conference on Ecological Modelling Leipzig, Germany

In a world where biodiversity and ecosystem services are at high risk, business as usual is no longer possible. Transformation of how societies deal with natural resources is much needed, but requires a better understanding of how ecological and social-ecological systems respond to change and human intervention. Ecological modeling thus needs to aim at predicting the response to […]

The 17th Chinese Congress of Ornithology: Chinese ornithological research in the context of globalization

Nanjing Nanjing, China

为促进中国鸟类学的学术交流与人才培养,助力国家生态文明建设和鸟类多样性保护,经中国动物学会鸟类学分会常务理事会讨论决定,第十七届中国鸟类学大会将于2023年10月19~23日在江苏省南京市召开。本届大会由中国动物学会鸟类学分会主办,南京师范大学和生态环境部南京环境科学研究所承办,协办单位为江苏省动物学会、南京林业大学、南京大学、江苏省林业科学研究院和Avian Research等。 摘要投稿(Call for abstract):